I am delighted to be appointed to the new position of Student Chapter Chair for the IEEE Robotics and Autonomation Society Technical Committee on Soft Robotics following the Second IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics held in Seoul in April. This newly formed position comes in response to the increase in student registrations to this year’s conference. I spoke about this point during the forum at the close of the conference.


During my time in Seoul, I was struck by the sense of community with the young researchers and students. Those that I had met in Livorno at the first conference are now close friends at this year’s event. I have organised workshops and established collaborations that I otherwise would not have due to the geographic differences. I am certain that this has not been unique to me.

As the Student Chapter Chair, I will proudly represent the needs of the other young researchers in the community. I will encourage new discourse between other young research at next year’s conference through events and specific sessions. I will also set up a communication space for discussion outside of the conference.

I have many plans to further the field of soft robotics, but I also need the input of the community to ensure that we are rightly represented in the future. Please feel free to contact me via email at any time. The success of soft robotics is dependent on the young researchers that shape the future.