The School of Engineering is recruiting three Research Associates to perform cutting-edge research on Sensors, Sensor Networks and Robotics (Subsea, Top-Side and Air) applied to the offshore energy sector. This recruitment is part of the ORCA Hub, a large Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Hub, delivered in collaboration with Heriot-Watt University, Imperial College London, Liverpool and Oxford Universities and supported by over 30 companies representing the major players in the Offshore energy sector. The positions represent a unique opportunity to work with truly world leading academics and fellow research associates (a minimum of 30 will be recruited across the Hub) on frontier research for robotics in extreme environments.

These three Postdoctoral Research Associate positions will contribute to the ORCA Hub within the Institute for Integrated micro and Nano Systems, and the Institute for Energy Systems in The School of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh, and in collaboration with colleagues at Heriot-Watt University, Imperial College London, Oxford University and Liverpool University.

The positions advertised here (Research Associates in Research Associate in Sensors and Offshore Robotics) target cutting-edge research in the following areas:

2 PDRAs will investigate low-cost mobile sensor-networks that contain many (10+) exterioceptive sensing modalities as well as low-power local/global communications. These “limpets” will be developed to transduce environmental parameters, and will allow us to develop new strategies and algorithms for robust communications in the top-side and marine environments.

1 PDRA will investigate underwater manipulation in dynamic environments from a mobile platform. A particular challenge for marine robotic platforms is the presence of disturbances caused by wave, sea currents and wind loading while deploying sensors onto structures that may be moving. We will study these interactions to improve controllability and station-keeping.

Salary scale: £32,548 – £38,833, Positions available for 1 year with extension to 3 years following satisfactory review.

Further Details here:

Feel free to contact me (Dr Adam A. Stokes) by e-mail or using the form below.

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